"Wild Moon Child is what he called me.
Saying... My smile could light up that of the
world in total darkness. Upon reaching up
to caress my face in endearment ~
He stared almost seductively into my eyes.
Your eyes... Your Emerald Green eyes ~
They tell me stories... Of places ~
Of spaces in time. Please don't turn away.
Let me speak from this Noble heart of mine
Allow me to raise my silver goblet of Crimson wine~
To your divine lips... So you may take a sip.
Your red hair... Says a lot about the Woman you are
I sense your intense fiery passion...
That is locked away deep inside of thee heart.
Where you control all of your raw emotions...
Deep emotions ~ That come out in the form
Of your dreams. While You sleep calmly and
peaceful through the night.
I see you too... In my dreams of plenty.
Diversity plays such a big role~
For I see you... Dancing upon the
shimmering beam of the moon.
Before disappearing to places unknown.
Now you have allowed me time to...
Speak~ I bid you farewell ....
And may you find everything that you seek
My sweet Irish maiden of the sea"
© 2007 Velvet Mist (All rights reserved)
57 Elements & 11 Papers. PERSONAL USE ONLY. Not All Shown.