Sunday, September 30, 2012

New: Autumn Jamboree Collection

New from S.G.Rowe Designs: Autumn Jamboree Collection

The scarecrows are all decked out in their Autumn best and gearing up for a great Autumn Jamboree. They invited all their friends, the cute little squirrel, the hilarious black crow, and the elegant Autumn owl. Rich colors makes this kit a must have for all your Autumn scrapping and tagging needs. Personal Use only please. Featuring the artwork of Trina Clark and Whimsy Primsy.

This collection is available in Page size and Tagger Size! Each part of the collection is 25% off until 06 October!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Love Bites Tutorial by Sue Ellen

Click Tag To View Tutorial

Shades Of Autumn Tutorial by Crys

Click Tag To View Tutorial

LC_oursons_vol01/02/03 by love-crea

  a beautiful oursons

8 oursons color

2000 px
300 dpi

Please read carefully my TOU included in the file before using it.
 S'il vous plaît lire attentivement mon TOU inclus dans le fichier avant de l'utiliser.
$ 2.00 

 Please read carefully my TOU included in the file before using it.
 S'il vous plaît lire attentivement mon TOU inclus dans le fichier avant de l'utiliser.
a beautiful oursons

16 oursons color

2000 px
300 dpi

Please read carefully my TOU included in the file before using it.
 S'il vous plaît lire attentivement mon TOU inclus dans le fichier avant de l'utiliser

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

New Scripts

New in Store - Fall Is Here

Available for CT. Thank you for looking.

This Full Size kit is for PU & S4H. Everything is in 300 dpi.

Kits are created in PNG format and should be compatible with ALL versions of PSP and PS.

Kit Contains: 10 Papers 60 Elements

1 Acorns
1 Animal
2 Baskets
1 Berries
1 Bird
4 Bows
1 Broom
2 Carts
5 Flowers
1 Frame
1 Garland
3 Gourds
9 Leaves
1 Leafman
1 Mushroom
1 Nut in Shell
3 Plants
3 Pods
1 Pumpkin
1 Pumpkin Group
5 Ribbons
1 Scarecrow
1 Scroll
2 Signs
1 Squirrel
1 String
1 Swirl
2 Tags
1 Tree
1 Vase
1 Wordart

Sleepy Hollow Tutorial by Lina

Click Tag To View Tutorial

Brewing Up Happy Halloween Tutorial by Lina

Click Tag To View Tutorial

Delight In Fall Tutorial by Sue Ellen

Click Tag To View Tutorial

New Script - Vampire Fangs

Monday, September 24, 2012

Defrightful Tutorial by Twisted By Twilight

Click Tag To View Tutorial

cannelle d'automne full pack

cannelle d'automne full pack
80 éléments
18 papiers
5 frames
5 gliters
5 cluster
4 quick pages
7 Wa
10 zip

kit  " cannelle d'automne "
80 éléments
18 papiers
5 frames

Please read carefully my TOU included in the file before using it.
 S'il vous plaît lire attentivement mon TOU inclus dans le fichier avant de l'utiliser.
6 zip 
WA " cannelle d'automne " 
7 WA
300 DPI
 tailles variable 
variable sizes
1800 px minimum

Please read carefully my TOU included in the file before using it.
 S'il vous plaît lire attentivement mon TOU inclus dans le fichier avant de l'utiliser.

1 zip

cluster frames  " cannelle d'automne "
5 cluster frames
2000 px
300 DPI

Please read carefully my TOU included in the file before using it.
 S'il vous plaît lire attentivement mon TOU inclus dans le fichier avant de l'utiliser.

1 zip

 gliters " cannelle d'automne " 

 5 gliters
300 DPI
1000 px

Please read carefully my TOU included in the file before using it.
 S'il vous plaît lire attentivement mon TOU inclus dans le fichier avant de l'utiliser.

1 zip

quick pages " cannelle d'automne "
4 quick pages 
300 DPI
3600 px
Please read carefully my TOU included in the file before using it.
 S'il vous plaît lire attentivement mon TOU inclus dans le fichier avant de l'utiliser.

1 zip