Thursday, August 30, 2012

New Kit: The Calming of Fall

73 elements, 15 papers, tagger size(72 dpi). This beautiful kit comes in a stunning color palette & captures the calmness and sereneness in which autumn brings.
Click HERE to get it!

cu4cu 21 Diamond jewels bye love-crea

attention produit cu4cu avec licence obligatoire pour l'utilisation de ce produit .
Attention produces cu4cu with compulsory license for the use of this product.
21 Diamond jewels
300 dpi 
800 px
Please read carefully my TOU included in the file before using it.

News produits elements by love-crea

LC_chainette elements

800 px /2500 px 
300 dpi 
color rose 
20 élements 
Please read carefully my TOU included in the file before using it.

LC_wa chrome

7 WA chrome
 1000 px
Please read carefully my TOU included in the file before using it.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Memories Of Fall Tutorial by Crys

Click Tag To View Tutorial

New Kit: It's A Girl Thang

74 elements, 12 papers, tagger size (72 dpi).  This vibrant and fun kit is the definition of girly girl! 
Get it NOW! 
>>Click HERE<<

New Kit: The Bone Yard

Just outside the city limits is a place that is avoided by most people. But for those that dare to enter, The Bone Yard can be a spooky and haunting place. Bones litter the paths and skulls stare up at you with empty eyes. This is the world of the skeleton, where bones rattle in the evening breeze, and where creatures of the night gather. Will you join them? This kit includes 12 papers and 28 elements. Personal Use only please.

Page Kit: 12 x 12 inches, 300 DPI

Tagger Kit: 800 x 800 pixels, 300 DPI

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Kims Korner has a new kit called Angels Among Us

"Angels Among Us" is a soft, elegant kit. It is filled with 74 elements, 5 frames (not shown in preview), and 17 papers. Tagger sized; papers are 800 x 800. Not all elements are shown in preview. Look below for a list of element included in this kit. Personal Use.

Elements Included in this kit:
(papers are not shown)
14 different flowers
1 long stem rose
2 flower clusters
3 flower frames
2 diamond frames
7 different bows
1 white branch tree
1 butterfly/heart lock cluster
1 staircase
1 harp
1 set of gates
1 set angels
1 angel statue
3 curled ribbons
1 clock
1 blue transparent butterfly
1 diamond butterfly
1 heart charm
1 bird
3 banners
5 different clouds
2 different crosses
1 diamond cluster
1 glitter cluster
1 glitter trail and stars
5 different doodles
2 different leaves
1 tiara
1 diamond
1 necklace
1 light
1 magic wand
1 pillow
1 potted plant
1 ribbon with bow and charm
2 ribbons with bows
2 swirls
1 swan

New Kit: Memories of Fall

Enjoy fall from a different perspective with these rich, vibrant colors! 
Click HERE to get it!

New items - La galerie de Jackie

+++ more

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Cookie poser bundle deal Raine

Bundle poser deals
buy the bundle and save money
(its like getting a free set when you buy the bundles)
click image to go to my store


Cookie poser bundle deal Hilda Brewha

Bundle poser deals
buy the bundle and save money
(its like getting a free set when you buy the bundles)
click image to go to my store


Monday, August 20, 2012

8 New Bundle Kits from Sweet Cravings Scraps

Available at Scrappin Dollars  HERE
and 65% off for the month of August too!

Midnight Fantasy


Cupcake script great addtion to any holiday kit, no plugins required

Click on preview to go to the store